Spring Break in Costa Rica

Costa Rica
Costa Rica, officially the Republic of Costa Rica, is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and Ecuador to the south of Cocos Island. It has a population of around 4.5 million, of whom nearly a quarter live in the metropolitan area of the capital and largest city, San José.
Poás Volcano
The Poás Volcano, is an active 2,708-metre (8,885 ft) stratovolcano in central Costa Rica. It has erupted 39 times since 1828.
The girls dancing
La Fortuna
La Fortuna has the airport which is nearest to the Arenal Volcano, though many visitors also arrive via auto mobile, to the resorts and hotels in La Fortuna, Castillo, Palma, Monteverde, or Tilaran. Arenal is often cited by scientists as being in the top ten or top 20 of the world's most active volcanoes. La Fortuna is less than 10 km from the peak of Arenal and less than 20 km from the entrance to Arenal Volcano National Park.
Zip-lining Fun at the hot springs
Arenal Volcano
Arenal Volcano, is an active andesitic stratovolcano in north-western Costa Rica around 90km northwest of San José, in the province of Alajuela. The Arenal volcano measures at least 1,633 metres (5,358ft). It is conically shaped with a crater spanning 140 metres (460ft). Geologically, Arenal is considered a young volcano and the age is estimated to be less than 7,500 years. It is also known as "Pan de Azúcar", "Canaste", "Volcan Costa Rica", "Volcan Río Frío" or "Guatusos Peak". The volcano was dormant for hundreds of years and exhibited a single crater at its summit, with minor fumaroles activity, covered by dense vegetation. In 1968 it erupted unexpectedly, destroying the small town of Tabacón. Due to the eruption three more craters were created on the western flanks but only one of them still exists today.
Don Pedro's farm
Today we visited Don Pedro's farm, explored the organic farming practices and saw the local plants and animals. We had lunch with food grown on the farm and the kids even got to work the land and feed the cows (we are waiting for their pay). Everyone on the farm had a machete and we played a game of dodge the sugar cane as it is split by the machete.
Kids Making Sugar Cane Juice Parents Making Sugar Cane juice
La Fortuna Waterfall
La Fortuna Waterfall is located in central Costa Rica, in the Alajuela Province. In Spanish, it is known as Catarata Fortuna. The waterfall drops about 70−75 meters and is located at the base of the dormant Chato volcano, about 5.5 km outside of the town of La Fortuna, near the Arenal Volcano. It is fed by the Tenorio River, which travels through the rain forest in the Arenal Mountain range until it plunges over the cliff, forming this waterfall. The hike down to the waterfall is a short, but arduous one.
Playing in the river
Night Walk
Tonight we took a night walk through the rainforest with our local guide Jason, we got to see a lot of frogs, insects, spiders, some vipers and a sleeping hummingbird.
Rainforest Chocolate Tour
Considered as "a gift of the Gods", the cacao tree was very important to the ancient culture, it was not only used as a ceremonial drink, but its seeds were also used as currency because of its economic value , in many regions of Mesoamerica, including Costa Rica.
Petting an Iguana
Tirimbina Biological Reserve
Tirimbina is a non-profit organization created to conserve the rainforest and to provide environmental education and scientific research. This Private Wildlife Refuge protects 345 hectares of mid-elevation forest (pre-montane) and its 9 kilometers of trails pass through several ecosystems of the forest and river. Only a third of the Tirimbina forest is used for ecotourism and environmental education, leaving the majority of the Reserve intact.
Rio Sarapiquí
The Sarapiquí River, or Rio Sarapiquí, in Costa Rica is a tributary of the San Juan River and forms the eastern border of Sarapiquí Canton. The area around the river is mostly lowlands tropical rainforest, having lush vegetation with a large variety of plant, animal and insect life. This river is navigable and is a local trading artery, and also supports fishing and tourism activity. The river, which was previously called 'Siripiqui', is prone to flooding. Around the river are plantations of coffee, sugar cane, bananas and cocoa trees.
Fake Marcus on the boat Marcus on the boat Fresh Pineapple Jose (our driver) dancing with the girls
Cahuita is a small city located on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Cahuita is located in the Talamanca Canton of Limón Province. Cahuita is the capital of the Cahuita District. Due to its proximity to the Caribbean shoreline, Cahuita is renowned for Afro-Caribbean influence on dining and local culture. The city is specifically known for its beaches, dessert crepes (often including local bananas, strawberries, and chocolate), and variations of grilled chicken. The Playa Negra (Black Beach) and Cahuita National Park are close to town.
Today we went snorkeling off the Caribbean coast, we got to see lots of sea life and had a fantastic time.
Today we spent a large part of the day enjoying the beach and the surf in Cahuita Park.
Spending time at the beach Building a sand bath